Our Mission: is to provide our clients with processing tools that enhance their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In moment-to-moment situations that need Crisis Support, Mental Fitness, and Conscious Self Awareness. Each JOR NOW Journal has tools that assist with creating new neural pathways within their brain and bodily cells.

Each JOR NOW Journal has tools that assist with creating new neural pathways within their brain and bodily cells.

Our Vision: is to create mindful, conscious, and compassionate individuals, leaders, support groups, teachers, instructors, business owners, governments, and organizations who are tenacious and build on trust.

In that trust is Training, Receiving, Unavoidable, Success, Today. There is a process of assessment and evaluation within the prevalence of providing employees, partnerships, and customers with a comprehensive, compassionate, and effective approach to leadership, retention, and management.

Featured Version: THE JOR NOW: Nurturing and Observing Hardcover Journal

This is our FULL Content version: It contains tools, prompts, and guidance that you can’t find anywhere else.

This jOurnal is AVAILABLE in small, medium, AND large.

Customer Reviews:



Must be 16 years or older

  • Ready and willing to foster community and trust

  • Available for weekly team meetings

  • Willing and able to share acquired knowledge with individuals in your social circle and beyond.

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So basically that Journal has helped me a lot especially in some times when I am experiencing some distressing memories, so it has helped me to really stay in the present and I love how detailed it is with step by step directions to impact people’s mental health - MJ (Youth)