The JOR Now: Guided Letter Prompts & Relationship invigorator Journal - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

The JOR Now: Guided Letter Prompts & Relationship invigorator Journal - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
Purpose/Mission: The Universal 34-page journal, is here to assist you with discovering your inner voice and inner strength. By providing guided letter prompts to redirect your identification with your pain and direct the unresolved emotions into a healing process. In addition to three variations of guided prompts (Non negotiable builders) to help you operate in your intimate and personal relationships.
This version includes: The 14-page intro,
Includes Lover Letters, Reprogramming T Charts,
Relationship Non-Negotiable Prompts &More
The JOR NOW Journal is known for providing processing tools that enhance emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. For moment-to-moment situations that are in need of crisis support, mental health, and safety concerns. Each JOR NOW Journal has tools that assist with creating new neuropathways within their brain and bodily cells.